Our scrapbanking bot will buy any two craftable weapons from you for 1 scrap.
He will also sell you any two weapons from 1 scrap.
However, there is a limit of how many weapons you can buy or sell at a time, based on the number of trades you have done with him.
Each trade has a limit of 5 minutes max. If you spend more than 5 minutes in a trade you will be kicked.
Please figure out what weapons you want first before you trade with the bot.
To see what weapons Scrapbotty has in stock, check his backpack here.
To buy weapons, type "buy" in the trade window and then type the name of the weapon you want. Scraps will find the weapon for you and add it automatically.
If he has added the wrong weapon, type "/remove" and then the weapon name to remove it from the trade.
<?php if (isset($_COOKIE["steam_name"])) { if (isset($_COOKIE["queue_state"])) { if ($_COOKIE["queue_state"] == 1) { echo "