
Scrapbanking Bot

Our scrapbanking bot will buy any two craftable weapons from you for 1 scrap.
He will also sell you any two weapons from 1 scrap.

<?php if (isset($_COOKIE["steam_name"])) { if (isset($_COOKIE["queue_state"])) { if ($_COOKIE["queue_state"] == 1) { echo "

Note: You are currently in queue.
"; } else if ($_COOKIE["queue_state"] == 0) { echo "
Error: Something went wrong; please try again!
"; } else if ($_COOKIE["queue_state"] == 3) { echo "
Note: You are already in queue.
"; } } echo ""; } else { echo "
Error: You are not logged in! You will be unable to join the queue until you log in.
"; echo ""; } ?>
<?php if ($_COOKIE["queue_state"] == 1 || $_COOKIE["queue_state"] == 3) { echo "
"; } ?>